To make the most of your indoor paving installation, you’ll need to use the best paving products for internal spaces to protect your design and materials.
Paving products installed within a home are usually subject to greater wear and tear than they would experience outdoors. Furniture will be moved across the surface of the stone more frequently, drinks may spill more regularly, and toys or other objects can crash onto the slabs, so there is the potential for erosion unless you protect your installation.
Paving products for internal spaces such as Resiblock Resiecco are entirely appropriate for indoor applications. This product allows you to stabilise the jointing sand and provide excellent stain resistance to the surface of the paver. This product also provides the following benefits:
All of the Resiblock internal space products for paving are simple to use and can be used across decorative and domestic settings. If you have any questions, then our professional customer service team will be happy to answer queries about your plans for an interior paving project and can help you pick out the most suitable paving products for internal spaces. Get in touch today!