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Stone Street Square, Dudley


Dudley Metropolitan District Council had invested heavily here turning it from a run-down, unused area to an attractive square, used as a meeting point and an area of relaxation.

The council specified Charcon Andover with Baggaridge Blues clay blocks. The light coloured blocks were chosen for their style and because they blended well with the surroundings but would unfortunately be prone to staining. The heavy cleaning regime the council were to implement to keep the paving looking pristine, would contribute to the cause of sand erosion resulting in chipping and spalling of the paving units leading to potential tripping hazards.


Resiblock Limited advised Dudley Metropolitan District Council that installing Resiblock ’22’ at the point of construction would eliminate the sand loss associated with clay paving, by permanently locking the jointing sand and preventing its erosion.

They further advised that the installation of Resiblock Resiecco would reduce staining by coating and sealing the porous surface of the Charcon Andover blocks as well as stabilising the joints.

Resiblock worked with the contractors Wrekin Construction who installed 1200 m2 of paving using Resiblock ’22’ and Resiblock Resiecco in May 2004 with the minimum of fuss. The materials are applied to the surface and joints of the pavers with a watering can and the surplus removed using a squeegee.


Resiblock ’22’ is a specialist prepolymer urethane (SPPU) which prevents the erosion of jointing sand. Resiblock Resiecco is a water-based co-polymer that is environmentally friendly. The area sealed was completed in a matter of hours and light pedestrian traffic was instated after a short time later, ensuring minimum disruption to the surrounding area.

  • Case Study
  • Project name: Stone Street Square, Dudley
  • Client: Dudley Metropolitan District Council
  • Contractor: Wrekin Construction Ltd
  • Site: Stone Street Square, Dudley Town Centre
  • Project: Re-generation Programme
  • Product/s: Resiblock '22' | Resiblock Resiecco
  • Date: May 2004
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